>This group is being created to post thoughts, questions, and what we've learned from our study, or what we've not understood. We can get our points across without pointing fingers or belittling one another. So let's go into this with our eyes wide open. Rick Warren has also written another book entitled the Purpose Driven Church. But we're going to stick to this one. Now there are folks from all over joining in this study. Folks of all ages. I appreciate all of you who are taking this challenge with me. I'm excited about what we'll learn about ourselves, and perhaps about each other. The study of this book will officially start February 6th, 2006.....the Monday after the Super Bowl.
This study isn't about me, or really about any of us in particular. It's a way for us to personally get closer to the Lord and share our thoughts with one another. If you don't feel comfortable sharing your thoughts online, please do get into contact with someone and ask them to read it with you. You can use any of the information we provide, and add to it, or simply do it on your own. There's no rhyme or reason here, just so long as we all commit to stick to this for the entire 40 days. I think it'll be a blast. I'm starting the blog now, so everyone involved can get in and figure out how to post to it, and whatnot. If the study hasn't started yet, and you want to be a part of it, please contact me by posting a comment below, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Have a wonderful night/day and God bless. :-) James