Monday, February 20, 2006

Day 15........We are family!!!

This is so nice to know and realize. I've had some bad experiences with some of my family. Not pleasant at all. When my dad died of a heart attack in 1988 some members of my family.....grandparents....aunts and cousins.....accused me of punching him and somehow causing his death. It went so far as the day before we were to bury my dad's body a sheriff murder investigator came to question me at the house. We were still in shock and I was having to answer questions as to exactly how I found him and whatnot. It hurt. That same day I called my cousin (the one who stirred everyone up to believe this) and told him Jesus loves him, I love him, and I forgive him. I've never heard from him again, and he is now a white supremacist (he was living in Oregon but has now returned to Texas....somewhere). I really do pray he surrenders to Jesus soon. So I can relate to some who have some kooky family experiences.....I've had some myself. And it's GOOD news to know that God wanted me to be a part of HIS family. It's unfortunate but earthly families can sometimes hurt us really badly. We shouldn't take it personal, or strike back in anger. Forgive them.....and let them know you forgive them (that's the whole point for me telling my story above). Release them into the Lord's hands. You can't save them.......only He can. Many times family won't want to hear about what you believe or how you've changed simply because they're either still mad at your past, or they just don't believe you. Even in Jesus' hometown He had some trouble getting folks to believe in Him. Again, don't take it personal. Please share with us your thoughts on this topic. How it feels knowing you're so loved that God allowed His Son to be crucified so you could be part of His family? And of course, the question of the day:

"How can I start treating other believers like members of my own family?"

I think the best way is to acknowledge them as family members. Ask how they're doing, and actually care about what they tell you. Offer to help in areas they need help, if you are able to. Talk is cheap. I can't tell you how many folks call me brother, or even pastor, who could care less what I'm going through. I don't want to do that. Here's another thing I do. If I know a Christian is the owner of a business I will buy my products from him, even if they are more expensive than another place, just because I want to support him/her as my brother or sister in Christ. :-) James

PS: Hey, many of you mentioned that you listen to music to get you going and to get into God's presence. Who do you listen to? I'm a bit spoiled because I can pick up my guitar and sing other folks music, or my own. But some of my favorites are: Stryper, Whitecross, and Bloodgood. These are great if you want to bang your head (heavy metal) and still hear a great message. For me they're great to listen to when driving in Austin, San Antonio, or Houston traffic. In a more mellow tone I like Larry Norman (who can also rock), Chris Tomlin, Third Day, Delirious?, Salvador, Mercy Me, Big Tent Revival, Carman......and so many others I can't remember them all. Someone recently gave me a Bluegrass Gospel CD. I really dig that too. Good stuff.


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