Thursday, February 23, 2006

Day 18........Real fellowship

I really do enjoy smaller groups myself. You know everyone, and everyone knows you. I've never really been a part of large congregation, not as an adult anyway. There's something that I guess I need to get over. I like to be alone. I enjoy being with people, and talking and whatnot. But there comes a time when I reach a "that's enough" point. I may go home and play the guitar and sing for a while, or I may just work on the computer or watch some TV. I need to dedicate more time to "others" and not be so self centered.

"What one step can I take today to connect with another believer at a more genuine, heart to heart level?"

Well, anyone who knows me, knows I have a fondness for food. Hehehehehe. So usually my way of getting to know someone better is over a meal. After which we can talk and really share what's in our hearts. I really enjoy doing that. Also, I'm leading a small bible study group tonight. My favorite thing to do is to ask their favorite verse, or verses, and why they are special to them, and what they speak to them personally. Sometimes I'll ask them if they have any questions regarding any scripture they have read or don't understand. I don't ever claim to have all the answers.....I believe we can find it out together. And we always have. It used to really scare me that someone would ask one I couldn't answer. But the Lord has always helped me with that. I'm SO thankful for that. What do you say?


Blogger Robert Galea said...

Great blog!! God bless! Rob

1:34 PM  
Blogger Jerri said...

"What one step can I take today to connect with another believer at a more genuine, heart to heart level?"

Sometimes, what prevents me from connecting with other believers at a genuine, heart to heart level, is my own judgemental attitude.

The better you look, and the better you sound, the less likely I am to approach you.

Polished, pretty people intimidate me.

I am not proud to admit this, but I think that I sometimes tend to negatively pre-judge people who appear wealthy and well educated.

Only now am I beginning to truly understand that for me, it is not enough to connect well with other believers who are most like myself.

Instead, I must challenge myself to connect well with any, and all believers, by setting aside my own fears and by setting aside my tendency to pre-judge based upon appearances.

2:37 PM  
Blogger James said...

what's absolutely wonderful about doing this study is that we will have this blog to look back upon. We can go back through the chapters if we so desire, read what we posted, and see how we've grown.

I'm so glad that so many of your are participating. I know not everyone is posting, but I'm glad you're reading it and participating. :-) James

3:22 PM  

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