Saturday, February 25, 2006

Day 20......restoration

Oh boy. This is never easy. Whether you think you're right or need to put the other person first. Ouch. It's not a popular thing to do. Many of us will agree with what's being said, but how many of us are really willing to do it? Many times I've had to lay down my wants, and my right to be angry. It's not about my feelings, but it's about others'. When you put others needs and feelings, above your own, you will notice a change in your daily life. Are there times when I wish I would have taken the first step? MANY times. It's real easy to say something, but much harder to do it. Talk is cheap. Many of us have no problem saying, "Yea, I'd die for Jesus!" But how many of us would die for our fellow Christians? How about the guy/gal who really rubs you the wrong way? The "annoying" one of the congregation. Well, I'm telling you, you DO have to die for them. You have to die to "self" in order to put them first. There is a guy from Mexico who comes to our church once or twice a month. He was run over by an 18 wheeler some years back. It left him a little lacking mentally. He's hard to understand when he's talking and he can be annoying. George is his name. I remember about five years ago he started "playing" the trombone that my cousin left at the church. My cousin used to play it in the high school band. George would (and still does) during praise & worship (the singing) pick up this trombone and toot on it periodically. He has had no training and it shows. I remember one morning playing and singing, and I started getting annoyed at him. The Lord spoke to me and told me, "He's playing that for me, you dare not try and stop him!!!" Oh my. I was so ashamed at my pride and arrogance. One thing I noticed. Every note that George plays, although it may not be planned or even make sense.......every note is in key with what I'm playing. It could be in F, G, C, matter what key, he's in it. I've grown to love hearing George play, because I know he's not playing for me.

"Who do I need to restore a broken relationship with today?"

Her name is Maria. She's 85 years old. (Her daughter is in her sixties but has the mind of an 8 year old.) I won't get into all the details, but she is mad at me. I need to find someone willing to go with me (she doesn't speak English) so I can restore that relationship. It's more of a misunderstanding than anything. But she is very hurt and has said some very unkind things about me. I know it's just because she's lashing out. I hold nothing against her. I love her and want this relationship restored. Please pray that it can be. James


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